Use of Purchased Report
The Purchaser of this report agrees to restrict its usage of it according to the provisions of the following license agreement. Should the company wish to upgrade the User License, please contact the publisher. The report is copyright protected and as such, any unauthorized copying, electronically or mechanically, or distribution is prohibited by U.S. and international law. Federal copyright law (Title 17 of the U.S. Code) makes it illegal to reproduce part or all of CIR, Inc.'s publications without written permission.
CIR recognizes that you will want to make 'fair use' of the reports purchased from CIR, as such is permitted by applicable copyright law and by your agreement at the time of purchase. Since it may be difficult to determine 'fair use' with respect to electronic copies, CIR has stated purchase prices and use allowances depending upon the number of persons you wish to have regular access to any specific report. The number of persons having access is determined by the number of computers from which the material may be accessed. Therefore, if you purchase a report for access by up to five persons, then the report can be accessed only from five computers. No report may be posted on a company web site, and no portions of a report may be cut from the report and distributed to other computers, unless you purchase an 'Enterprise Version'. Of course, no material may be excerpted and used as your own work except as permitted by applicable copyright laws. Paraphrasing of materials and specific quotations may be used in connection with internal reports with appropriate attribution, as would be the case with written materials.
For Bound Versions:
Use can be made of any bound copy purchased as permitted by applicable copyright laws.
For Single User Versions:
By purchasing a Single Version of this report, you agree that the version will be resident on and accessible from 1 computers. You agree that the report will not be posted on a company web site, and that no portions of the report will be cut from the report and distributed to other computers. You also agree that you will pay to CIR any difference which may be due if you decide to make the version more widely accessible. Paraphrasing of portions of the report and use of specific quotations from the report is subject to applicable copyright laws.
For Group Versions:
By purchasing a Group Version of this report, you agree either (i) that the version will be resident on and accessible by no more than five computers, or (ii) that the version will be resident on and accessible at only no more than five computers. You agree that the report will not be posted on a company web site, and that no portions of the report will be cut from the report and distributed to other computers. You also agree that you will pay to CIR any difference which may be due if you decide to make the version more widely accessible. Paraphrasing of portions of the report and use of specific quotations from the report is subject to applicable copyright laws.
For Enterprise Versions:
By purchasing a Enterprise Version of this report, you agree that the version will be resident on one of your computers or your intranet site and accessible only by employees who have proper access to such computer or site. You agree that no portions of the report will be cut from the report and distributed to other computers. Paraphrasing of portions of the report and use of specific quotations from the report is subject to applicable copyright laws.
This license is non-transferable. Purchaser agrees to limit its usage to employees of its company or approved on-site contractors. Under no circumstances may the report be shared with outside entities including suppliers, customers, partners, investors or firms that would be deemed competitive to CIR, Inc. This license is also not transferable in the event of a sale of the purchaser or its assets.